S.O.A.R. Summer Camp
Summer Outreach and Recreation
Help your kids fight their boredom this Summer by enrolling them in one of our five action-packed weeks of Summer Camp at Spanish River Christian School.
About SOAR Camp
Registration for SOAR Camp opens March 12, 2025! SOAR Camp is a fun-filled, five-week summer camp. Cub Camp is available for current preschoolers (must be 3-years old by June 1) and Panther Camp is available for students who have completed Kindergarten through 5th grade.
Some of the exciting activities we have planned this year include: themed weeks, dress-up days, inflatable water slides, arts and crafts, Bible skits, movies, and the fun goes on. We will have devotions each day and Chapel is on Thursdays.
Five Action-Packed Weeks
Week One: June 16 - June 20
Theme: Cruise Into the Caribbean
Grab your hats and sunglasses as we cruise into the first week of Soar Camp! Join us in a week filled with team challenges, new activities and random tourist shots!
Week Two: June 23 - June 27
Theme: Creation Carnival
LOOK! There’s a new creation at Soar Camp! Join us for a week of creation, from light to all the creatures on the earth. Enjoy our themed crafts and amazing one week only field trip!
Week Three: June 30 - July 3
Theme: Stars and Stripes
O Say Can You SEEEEE… all the fun that this week will bring! We will have a 4-day week in preparation and view of 4th of July week!
Week Four: July 7 - July 11
Theme: Winter In July
Did Frosty come early? Nope! It’s Christmas in July, where we celebrate six months early and enjoy all the holiday celebrations in the summer!
Week Five: July 14 - July 18
Theme: Be a hero… a Superhero!
It’s a bird…It’s a plane… It’s the last week of Soar Camp! We get to end this amazing camp with capes and saving those in need!
Important Information and Camp Tuition Fees
About the Sessions
Camp Sessions run June 16 - July 18. There will be no camp on Friday, July 4th as we observe Independence Day.
Camp will run Monday - Friday, from 8:30 am until 3:15 pm.
Early Bird and Aftercare services are available for an additional charge.
Lunch is included with Camp fees. Menus are available for families to preview lunch options.
All Campers are expected to bring 2 snacks and drinks each day. Snacks are not provided by SOAR camp.
Tuition and Fees
Panther Camp (Includes lunch) 8:30 am – 3:15 pm, $350 per week
Cub Camp (Preschool) full day (8:30 am – 3:15 pm, $350 per week) or half day available, 8:30 am - 12:00 pm, $215 per week
10% tuition discount on your second (or more) child’s tuition.
June 30 - July 3 Camp tuition is $280. No camp on Friday, July 4th.
*Children using Early Bird or Aftercare programs will be invoiced separately from SRCS and will be expected to pay within a week of invoiced.*
Early Bird is available from 7:30 to 8:15 a.m. for a charge of $5.72/day per child.
Aftercare is available from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. for a charge of $14.45 /day per child. Aftercare ends promptly at 5:30.
Cub Camp
Ages 3 - 4 Years Old (Campers Must Be 3 on or before June 1)
Preschool campers are divided into groups and follow a set schedule each day. Activities include arts and crafts, games, gym, devotions, weekly outdoor water activities, and special events/themes. Please note:
Any child in Preschool who IS NOT CURRENTLY ENROLLED AT SRCS, MUST provide immunization records and a birth certificate BEFORE they can attend camp!
Due to state and county regulations, all 3-5-yr. old campers must provide documentation of their health and immunization status. Ask your physician to provide you with Form 680 and Form 3040.
These documents will be copied and originals go back with you. Your child’s health records are very important and therefore if your child is not immunized they will not be allowed to attend camp. All Preschool campers must be fully potty trained – no pull-ups allowed.
Panther Camp
Grades K // 1st & 2nd //3rd - 5th
Panther campers will participate in many on-campus activities including weekly outdoor water activities, arts and crafts, drama, sports, devotions, and team challenges. There will be different themes and special events every week.
When registering, please register child/children in the grade that was just completed.
Example: If your child was in 2nd grade for the school year 2023-2024 and is going into 3rd grade in the fall, they would be registered for the 1st and 2nd grade group, not 3rd grade group.
Change of Plans?
Summer plans can change quickly, and we absolutely understand. If you need to change your plans, notification of cancellation at least 14 days prior to your child’s scheduled week(s) at camp will refund the tuition with a $100 fee (not including the enrollment fee).
No refund will be given if cancellation is received fewer than 14 days in advance of the start of the scheduled week of camp. However, camp tuition may be applied to another weekly session, subject to availability, if notification is received within one week of the start of the scheduled camp session.