Important & Required Documentation for Accepted and Enrolled Students
Once you have been accepted to SRCS, the enrollment process requires us to collect a number of documents. Don’t worry, we’re here to help ensure the enrollment process goes quickly and smoothly.
Health and Immunizations
Who is required to provide a School Physical?
Preschoolers: Upon admission, new preschoolers must have their physical exam within six (6) months of their first day of school. This certificate is valid for two years from the date the physical was performed.
Students entering Kindergarten
Students entering 7th Grade
Students in all grades who are new to schools in the State of Florida
School physicals are documented on Florida Department of Health Form 3040 provided by your child’s physician. Tuberculosis testing is no longer mandatory but is at the discretion of the physician based on a student’s risk of exposure.
Who needs a sports physical?
Any middle school student who wants to participate in SRCS interscholastic sports must have on file a current (a new one is needed every school year) physical examination documented on the SRCS Student Athletic Health Examination Form. This form is also available in the school or athletic offices. This requirement is in addition to the State of Florida health examination form 3040 required for all seventh graders.
Immunization Requirements
All preschoolers and students entering kindergarten and seventh grade must have documentation on Florida Department of Health Form 680 of all required immunizations.
All students are required to have varicella (chickenpox) vaccine or documented history of the disease.
A second dose of MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) for all students in kindergarten-8th grade.
A second dose of varicella vaccine for all kindergarten and first-grade students.
Completed Hepatitis B vaccine series for all students.
Tdap (tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis) booster for all students in seventh grade.
Birth Certificate & Others
An original certificate of live birth or passport is required of all students and is submitted during the enrollment process.
All documents must be submitted to the school office prior to the first day of school. Compliance is mandatory for school attendance.
Other Health Documents for Current Students:
Physician's Authorization of Medication for a Student at School