The SRCS Media Center
The SRCS Media Center is available to teachers and students throughout the school day to do research, check out books and take Accelerated Reader tests.
About Accelerated Readers
Accelerated Reader (AR) is a computerized reading management system. Students in grades 1 through 5 can choose to read a book from over 100,000 outstanding titles on the AR book list.
Following their completion of the books, students take a short, objective test on the computer. Both the student and teacher receive reports on the progress.
Parents may also visit Renaissance Home Connect online to look for books and check student AR points.
SRCS students may also register to be part of our AR Summer Reading Program. Once registered, the students can visit the media center on scheduled days to take AR tests during the summer months.
The SRCS Book Fair
SRCS holds an annual Book Fair in October. A wide selection of books and materials is available for students and families. Each year, a team of volunteers, along with our Media Specialist, creates a fun and inviting theme for the Book Fair.
All classes will have an opportunity to visit during the school day. The Book Fair is open for parents and visitors after school for approximately 2 weeks. 30% of the proceeds go directly toward enhancing and curating the SRCS Media Center.
The Perfect Gift.
The Birthday Book Club is an opportunity for families to dedicate a new book in our library to their children. Library Birthday Books will be commemorated with a special nameplate and are presented to the child to check out on or near their birthday. Books remain a part of our collection of books for all students to check out. A Birthday Book Club form is available in our main office or through our librarian. The form should be completed and returned two weeks prior to the student's birthday along with a $15 payment.